
The Pre-School has a comprehensive range of policies which are readily available for parents to view.  Below is a list of some of those that may be of interest.  Please let us know if you would like access to them.

  • Safeguarding, including allegations against staff, whistle blowing, mobile phones and cameras

  • Concerns and complaints, including how to contact Ofsted

  • British Values and the Prevent Duty

  • Missing child

  • Failure to collect a child

  • Administering medicines

  • Ill or infectious children / infection control

  • Emergency evacuation

We always remain vigilant to ensure that the safety and protection of your child is at the forefront of all that we do.  Please find attached a letter from East Sussex County Council regarding the Child Protection Regulations that we have to adhere to which gives further contact details should you require further information regarding this area of our responsibility. Child Protection Regulations letter

We also have a ‘terms and conditions for funding and fees’ and a ‘debt recovery policy’ which can be found here:

Terms and Condition for funding and fees

Debt collection policy

Please note that our policies are updated annually and signed off by the committee at our AGM.  We welcome all feedback from our policy changes so please contact the setting if you would like to discuss them further.